Global Campaigns

The What Women Want Campaign: It began with a simple idea: ask those who most use maternal and reproductive health services to tell us what they most need. Ask the clients, ask women and girls.

This idea now underpins all WRA campaigns and initiatives. Learn more and get involved today!

  • What Women Want is the WRA flagship advocacy campaign to improve quality maternal and reproductive healthcare for women and girls. At the same time, it is a challenge to the power structures that help silence women’s voices and ambitions.

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  • We asked women what they most want from their healthcare. Respect and dignity topped the list. Our dedicated respect campaign provides women, families, and allies with tools and support to change attitudes and hold providers and health systems accountable.

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  • Self-care is not an indulgence, it’s often a life-preserving act. Despite the name, people need support to prioritise and practice it. Our self-care initiative provides women and girls with requested information and resources to take healthcare directly into their own hands when necessary.

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  • Midwives have been showing up for women, girls, and birthing people for centuries – in the harshest of conditions, facing violence and threats, and without the compensation they deserve. Many are walking away from their profession— simply looking to survive. Midwives’ Voices, Midwives’ Demands supports midwives so they can support their communities.

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  • As part of the Generation Equality Forum in 2021, Global Count asked women, non-binary, and transgender people from every country, culture, and racial background what issues are most important to them, what should be done to solve problems, and what meaningful progress looks like in ten years. Today Global Count carries on, focused on holding leaders accountable for promised gender equality actions.

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  • In 2017, millions of women and allies around the world, many of whom never saw themselves as activists or social justice warriors, took to the streets because they knew they had to make themselves seen and heard. Today, Women’s March Global supports marchers—predominantly outside the US—who continue to organise mass action in their local communities on behalf of issues that deeply affect all women, everywhere.

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