• Storytelling

    Storytelling and sharing is at the heart of our approach towards advocacy and change. Listening to the lived experience of people within our movement and the world and positioning these stories at the centre of our calls for action helps us to speak truth to people and systems that hold power. To read some of the powerful stories that inform our work click the button below.

  • Peoples' Assemblies

    Peoples Assemblies are an organised way to bring a group of people together to gather their ideas and insights on a problem, theme or issue that they wish to resolve. People’s Assemblies are focused on seeking solutions and hearing the voices of people to gain insight into how they would approach change. Often the outcome of a people’s assembly is set of propositions for changes to the systems that impact the way society functions for them. White Ribbon Alliance UK host Peoples Assemblies throughout the year where we see a need for a system change to improve areas of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.

  • News

    White Ribbon Alliance aim to keep you connected to news about sexual and reproductive health and rights in the UK and internationally. We know it is important to regularly share progress and concerns, opportunities to get involved and updates when our rights are threatened or compromised. Please check back in regularly to read about issues within recent news, our position statements on particular issues and ways to hear more about how to join us in speaking truth to power on topics of sexual and reproductive health and rights.