Brigid McConville

Trustee & WRA UK Founder

I am a writer, film maker and the founder of White Ribbon Alliance UK. My involvement dates back to 2004 when I came across WRA activists in India; they were from the communities where women were dying in childbirth; they knew the problems - and how to fix them. Their advocacy inspired me to set up WRA in the UK and within a few years, Sarah Brown was our Global Patron and Jo Cox was organising meetings with international leaders in 10 Downing Street. This pressure culminated in Ban Ki-moon’s (first) $40 billion Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health in 2010 and a steep decline in global maternal deaths.

But the work of defending the rights of women, girls and birthing people is never done; UK midwifery is in crisis, and in 2022 at Glastonbury Festival we galvanised opposition to the scrapping of Roe v Wade. 

I’m now proud to be a Trustee on the WRA UK Board at a time when we are again building a strong coalition in the fight for gender equality and reproductive health justice for all.

Ideas and energy for this come to me when I am swimming in the sea, gardening or simply at home in Somerset with my family - John, Maeve, Arthur and Rory.

Pronouns: she/her

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