16 Days of Activism to End Gender Based Violence
A Journey of Empowerment with White Ribbon Alliance UK
The White Ribbon Alliance UK embarks on the annual 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, a campaign that champions the elimination of violence against women and girls and advocates for their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).
The Campaign Unfolds: Advocacy for Each Day
Day 1: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women We amplify the imperative to end violence, reinforcing women's rights as human rights.
Day 2: Economic Abuse & Empowerment We focus on economic abuse, highlighting how financial control can be a barrier to autonomy and SRHR.
Day 3: Digital Violence Addressing the silent but devastating impact of online abuse on women's lives and mental well-being.
Day 4: Youth Activism in Gender-Based Violence Prevention Celebrating the influential role of young activists in shaping a future free from violence.
Day 5: Disability and Vulnerability in Gender-Based Violence Focusing on how disabilities can increase vulnerability to gender-based violence, this day will highlight the importance of accessible support services and the empowerment of disabled individuals.
Day 6: Intersection of Racism and Gender-Based Violence Exploring how racial discrimination exacerbates the effects of gender-based violence, hindering equitable access to SRHR.
Day 7: LGBTQ+ Experiences in Gender-Based Violence Acknowledging the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in gender-based violence, this day is dedicated to understanding their experiences and enhancing support systems that are inclusive and sensitive to their needs.
Day 8: Inclusive SRHR Education for All Emphasizing the need for inclusive SRHR education that caters to all genders, orientations, and abilities, promoting an understanding of consent, bodily autonomy, and healthy relationships.
Day 9: Intersectionality in SRHR Advocacy Exploring the intersections of race, gender, orientation, and ability within SRHR advocacy, and pushing for policies that acknowledge and address these intersections.
Day 10: Safe Spaces for Marginalized Voices Creating safe spaces for marginalized voices, particularly LGBTQ+ and disabled individuals, to share their experiences with gender-based violence and SRHR.
Day 11: Addressing Healthcare Biases Discussing the biases in healthcare that affect LGBTQ+ and disabled individuals' access to SRHR services, and how to combat these prejudices.
Day 12: Enhancing Accessibility in Violence Prevention Programs Highlighting the need to enhance accessibility in violence prevention programs, ensuring they are equipped to serve diverse populations effectively.
Day 13: Legal Advocacy for Inclusive Protection Advocating for legal protection that explicitly includes LGBTQ+ and disabled individuals in anti-violence legislation.
Day 14: Representation Matters in SRHR Campaigning Ensuring representation of LGBTQ+ and disabled individuals in SRHR campaigning to reflect the diverse needs and experiences within these communities.
Day 15: Combating Obstetric Violence Addressing obstetric violence, which encompasses any disrespect, abuse, or neglect during childbirth in healthcare settings. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the rights of all birthing individuals to respectful care, the need for accountability in healthcare practices, and advocating for systemic change.
Day 16: Celebrating Diversity in Survivorship Celebrating the diversity in survivorship, recognizing the strength and resilience of LGBTQ+ and disabled survivors of gender-based violence, and sharing their triumphs in overcoming adversity.
Join White Ribbon Alliance UK in these 16 days of activism, as we endeavour to not only highlight the pressing issues surrounding gender-based violence but also to forge pathways for real and lasting change. Through solidarity, education, and advocacy, we can protect and empower women, girls, and gender diverse people across the globe.